Wednesday, June 19, 2019

What CSR in Tourism?

First of all, what is CSR? The UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) defines: “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders.” In simple words, how a company is conscious of the impact they are having on society and do changes or projects to improve based on the four aspects of Sustainability.

Sustainability: the ability of a society to make conscious and responsible use of its resources, whether natural, energy and economic, without exhausting them or exceeding their capacity for renewal and without compromising access to them by future generations

On the other hand, we can see that the Tourism industry has increased to the point of being a fundamental piece for the fulfillment of sustainability. That's why the concept of "Sustainable Tourism" is born. And more than what the tourist needs to do for help, we want to focus on what the companies can do. Of course, the tourist is part of this purpose, but the companies are the ones that have more job to do in this objective because they are the ones who will set the example for their clients.
So, how can Touristic companies and CSR be related? A guideline for this is the “Global Code of Ethics for Tourism” made by the UNWTO, which sets a frame of reference for the responsible and sustainable development of tourism. Ten ethic codes where you can learn, for example, about responsible use of natural and cultural resources; the minimization of pollution and waste; the conservation of landscapes, biodiversity and cultural heritage; fair and responsible treatment of employees, suppliers and guests; fair use of local products and services; as well as involvement and cooperation with local communities so as to improve the quality of life of local people.
In conclusion, these two concepts need to be one. When we think about Tourism companies, we can also talk about a Corporate Social Responsible industry.

Can there be a relationship between SDG and Tourism?

Can there be a relationship between SDG and Tourism?

  Nowadays, tourism has become one fastest growing economic and social industries in the world. But as more regions and countries develop their tourism industry, it produces significant impacts in our environment, economy and society. Can this improve? Yes, tourism and SDG can join and achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, specifically towards 2030.
    Tourism depends on almost everything and the need for sustainable/responsible planning and management is necessary for the industry to survive as a whole. And, at the same time, we will contribute to the fulfillment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How can we achieve both? We have to focus on higher yield rather than the numbers. And the tourist is willing to contribute, assures Dr. Rachel Dodds. Travel agencies can work with sustainable tour operators and be aware of the ways they develop their job. Creative initiative where tourists can "see a demonstration of sustainability in action and then bring that to home with them", suggest James Goodman, director of Forum for the Future.
  All tourism activities of whatever motivation need to be sustainable. It seeks to provide people with an exciting and educational holiday that is also of benefit to the people of the host country.